Thursday, February 26, 2015

Reading to My Grandson's Class

Every once in a while, we get to give back to our communities and our children. I was very happy to be able to read to my grandson's 4th grade class at the special event "Dads, Donuts and a Book". Fathers come in and read a book, then they are allowed to take their son for some personal time and a donut afterwards while the class remains. Since Ty's father was not available, I stepped up as any grandfather should. I read a portion of the book "Rise of the Earth Dragon" from the series "Dragon Masters" by Tracey West. The book was an easy read, and I was expecting to have 30 minutes, but they had two of us there to read for 15 minutes. So we didn't get to finish the book.

What you might miss at the beginning is that I sat down and started reading silently. My grandson wouldn't let me get by with that. Then I had the book turned upside down and started to read gibberish. We had a blast and the kids asked for me to come back and finish the book!  ;-)

Reading to the kids was really great. I'm certain I'll have to change my approach when I read to my adult based audience when "Guardians of the Crystal Skulls" is released, hopefully this coming May. Enjoy my silliness!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Did astronomical bodies impact the placement of ancient structures?

I love looking up in the night sky to see all the stars. It makes me dream of all the wonders we might discover out there. Why would our ancestors be any less in awe? If they lived in a society without electricity, what else was there to do at night? The constellation Orion is so prominent in the sky that it's not surprising that many ancient cultures would have emulated this iconic feature in the night sky. I know it is always the easiest constellation that I can find, and there is something about it that draws me to it. So how many ancient societies built structures and communities in tribute to this astronomical feature? Lets take quick look at a few and I'll wrap up by explaining how this relates to my SciFi series "Harmonic Wars" that many of you know I've been writing for some time now. It's nearly finished ... honestly! :-)

How much DID astronomical bodies impact our ancestors as they built the various structures around the world? It's well known that the pyramids of the Giza plateau are placed in alignment with stars in Orion's belt. What may not be well known is that astronomers have questioned the date that Egyptologists and academia say the great Pyramid was built because the alignments of the stars in this configuration was not how they looked 4,500 years ago.  The stars would have been in a straight line. In fact, you would have to go back around 10,500 years to find the stars in today's configuration. Whenever the pyramids were constructed, they obviously were placed to represent Orion's belt.

How many other cultures also built to honor the Orion constellation? There are several, but we'll talk about a couple of them. The North American Hopi Indians of Arizona, not only built their villages in line with the stars of Orion's belt, they reconstructed the entire constellation! The amazing part is that this "primitive" culture was able to place their villagers so that they were VERY close to the same distances relationally as they appear in the sky. I find it interesting that they placed the head toward the south instead of north. I wonder if that is because of the landscape? This may have been the only way they could have fit the representation of the constellation into their lands. 

Further south in ancient Teotihuacan, Mexico the Avenue of the Dead is found in the same configuration. But some researchers theorize that this site is much more complex. I watched a television show that showed not only were these structures in line with Orion, but placing the Pyramid of the Sun in the center, they could trace outward to the correct relational distances and find each of our planets in the solar system represented by various structures. Meanwhile in Europe the "civilized society" still believed firmly that the Earth was the center of the universe and everything revolved around us.

This show theorized that the same could be said at Stonehenge in Great Britain. But try as I may, I don't see it and think it's more wishful thinking. I know that some people will find visions of things in tea leaves, bread, clouds, etc. It could all just be a strange coincidence, or wishful thinking, but some of this I just find too much of a stretch. However, what is well documented is the alignment to the rising of the sun on both the summer and winter solstices in Stonehenge. There are countless stonehenges around the world and other stone buildings that mark these important events.

Adam's Calendar in South Africa, is also believed to have marked the solstice dates as well. Michael Tellinger has some fascinating work on this location, and we talked about it in my last post.  Among all of the sites that I mentioned above, the Avenue of the Dead is the only one that does not use a majority of stones with a high quartz content. It is believed that the pyramids in Central and South America are mostly constructed of rubble. But there are many startling similarities between the Pyramid of the Sun and the Great Pyramid of Giza. First, the bases of both are nearly identical in size, even though the Pyramid of the Sun is nearly half as high as the original height of the Great Pyramid. I don't know if that's significant, but it's almost as though its the little brother of Giza. Second, they both are built over a series of caves. The Great Pyramid actually rests over an aquifer.  And of course, they both represent stars in Orion's belt. However, the Great Pyramid is vastly different in construction materials and methods. Engineers, like Christopher Dunn and others, have theories that the Great Pyramid could once have been a power plant of some sort, due to the massive amount of engineering found within its basic construction. The theories range from emitting microwave energy to being a plutonium mill.

I think there is another possibility that should be considered. Nikola Tesla and the Wardenclyffe tower, that he was never able to complete, had also been constructed over an aquifer. The plan was to transmit electricity wirelessly and give it away for free. When J.P. Morgan realized that he was not going to make huge profits by charging people for electricity, he stopped all funding and the tower was destroyed. I think in order to get a more clear picture of what the Great Pyramid was, we need to have a better understanding of the works of Nikola Tesla. This will be very difficult to do because the US government confiscated all the writings and diagrams from Tesla's final residence after he died. They haven't been seen by mainstream scientists since. I wonder what humanity has lost because of the greed that keeps this all this in secrecy.

At first glance, many people would discount the Avenue of the Dead as being related to the Giza power plant theory because the materials used might not be able to conduct electricity. I think they would be wrong though. The very avenue that connects each of the structures is lined with a formica silicate that reportedly WOULD be a conductor of electricity. So look at the picture below and try to think in terms of current day technology, but only on a much larger scale. At the risk of "seeing what I want to see" I still see a representation of a huge computer circuit board.

So what does any of this have to do with my book? I believe there is much more to the ancient structures our ancestors built. If they were developed to channel Earth's natural energy, can you imagine the massive amounts of energy they may have channeled? Lightening strikes the ground everyday all around the world, and those massive amounts of electricity are transmitting through the minerals and water underground. Tesla proved that by transmitting energy from a generator into the ground and then was able to place light bulbs as far away as a couple of miles and still have them illuminate. I look at the picture and imagine electricity flowing all around and wonder what fantastic things they might have been able to accomplish. Suddenly, things like the massive obelisks in Egypt now make sense as lightening rods which are connected to a giant network that drew energy and focused it so they could somehow use it. I saw all this and had no idea how any of this could be possible, but then that's where my imagination took off and I filled in the blanks, and began to create a rich storyline about an ancient society that used a wireless energy technology. They were masters of sound and were much more highly advanced than even we are today.

In my opinion, our ancestors in many places were impacted by what they saw in the night sky, and they honored those heavenly bodies by building structures to emulate them. Ancient Alien theorists will tell you that's because we HAD to have come from here, or that alien races from those galaxies and had landed here and were worshiped by our ancestors. I think either theory is possible, but that the ancient aliens theory is just less likely. Like I said, Orion is very prominent and it still draws my attention. Why would our ancestors be any different?

In my next post, I'll be talking about things like frequency and vibration, and how different things might be for a society who were masters of sound. Until then, take care!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Our Past Is Our Future

Our Past Is Our Future?

What does that mean? It means that those who study our past with an open mind are more able to avoid the mistakes of our past, and we have made some catastrophic mistakes in the past. I'm Douglas Stearns, author of a new series of science fiction novels called "Harmonic Wars" and I will be using this blog to share much of the research that I did to start this series.

Have you ever played the game "Pass it on" as a kid? My grade school teacher made the whole class play it once. We all got in a circle and she started by whispering a secret to the child next to her, who passed it to the next and so on. When it got back to the teacher, the secret was completely different from what she started. History is the same way, except worse. Historians are biased in their writings and allow outside influences to distort the facts. We can see examples of that even today where some common core curriculum describes the U.S. Second Amendment in general terms as "guarantees hunters the rights to own hunting rifles." Of course this is not the truth, but it is an example of political bias distorting the truth.

When we look back at ancient archaeological locations, we can begin to see a huge number of discrepancies that do not make sense with the narrative that modern archaeology and historians insist to be true. Because if they admitted the truth, then it would require that they admit that mankind at one time in our past was infinitely more advanced than we are today. We must look past our own arrogance that blinds us if we are to find the truth.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one such enigma, and is also a focal point in Harmonic Wars. No other pyramid discovered has that level of precision in it's construction, nor do any of the others have that degree of engineering built into the very foundation. It is perfectly aligned to the cardinal points of the compass centuries before we ever invented one. Everything about the pyramid screams "I'm a machine, not a tomb!" Interesting fact: no mummy has ever been found buried in a pyramid, and the Great Pyramid is void of any signs of carvings, paintings, or reliefs. Not even a trace! Even in tombs that had been raided you could still find broken pottery, broken pieces of furniture, partial reliefs and paintings inside the tombs. They may be badly deteriorated, but the remnants could still be found. But nothing of that has ever been found in the Great Pyramid. Also, constructing a monument of this size to such precision with air shafts perfectly aligned at a consistent angle of ascent and maintain the height and width of the shaft along its entire length requires planning and advance engineering. So in a society filled with writings detailing wars, kings, family lineage, The Book of the Dead, etc., where are the plans they used to construct what would have been the crowning achievement of the time? How come there are very little references to how it was built?   We will come back to this in a moment.

How many pictures do you have in your cell phone that are not printed up? How many documents do you have saved on in the "Cloud"? Newspapers are going out of business, as are books stores and printed books in general. With the advent of the popular tablets more and more documents and books are digitalized and never printed. Why carry and store hundreds of heavy books when you can put thousands of them on your Nook or iPad? Where do you go today for information? A reference book, or do you go to the Internet? How many people still own "Encyclopedia Britannica?" There is no need to learn things when you can easily look them up on the web, right? Now move 15 years into the future. Is anything still printed hard copy? Probably not. Even today e-books sales are keeping pace with hard copies.

Now, what happens when a massive solar flare destroys all the power grids across the globe. Or maybe it's a domestic terrorist, or a foreign enemy? Only one Electro-Magnetic Pulse weapon strategically placed would crash the entire power in the United States. We could recover from that, but it would take several months and the destruction due to the chaos would be significant. But an Al Qaeda style coordinated attack that destroys the power grid in multiple locations would be devastating and very difficult for our current civilizations to recover from. Same thing with a massive solar flare, only much worse as ALL electrical circuits could be destroyed. All the above are possibilities, and the threats are very real. What do you think life would be like under those circumstance?

No electricity would be pure chaos. The recent Ferguson riots and Hurricane Katrina are a small indications of what could happen. First there would be a run on all stores and widespread looting. The transportation capabilities would stop very quickly as fuel ran out if it could even be pumped out (all the gas pumps run off electricity). Then the water would stop flowing as the pressure slowly ran down  out of the existing water towers once the massive pumps shut down. Do you know how to grow your own food? What wild berries and plants you can safely eat? Can you hunt and fish and still protect yourself and your family? Where do you find that kind of information today: it's on the Internet easily accessible, given us a false sense of security that it will always be there. Now what do you reference when the Internet is down?

There would be pockets of society with a few brilliant people who understood enough engineering and physics to rebuild some of the power plants. Those societies would be the exception and not the norm. As food and water runs out, people become desperate and violent. But a few might be able to pull together for the good of all to rebuild some of what was lost. The rest would become so wrapped up in survival, that they would quickly forget how good things once were as they all but de-evolve into a hunter-gatherer state. Within 2 generations most people would not be able to comprehend the immensity of the Internet, or even the concept of electricity. It would seem like magic to them, and only the stories of legend.

What if this already happened? What if the Great Pyramid is one ancient society's attempt to rebuild a much older energy technology? We have a pretty well documented timeline of our history back to about 4,000 years. Anything before that becomes really fuzzy quickly. For fellow Christians think before the flood of Noah's time. We were made in God's image. Isn't it reasonable to think God would have shared his perfect knowledge with Adam and Eve, and their children? Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat its failures. I think we are potentially on the verge of repeating this event.

Now, back to the question of where are the plans to build the Great Pyramid: is it so hard to believe that they are missing? What if they were saved electronically, and not carved in stone? Where were they saved? Maybe they used a crystal-based data storage capability? We could have been looking right at the Library of Alexandria and not realized it for what it is.

Think about what people in a post apocalyptic society would need to do to survive. With limited capability to produce items, they will have to rely on nature for many things. Baghdad batteries have been recreated today and are proven to produce a low level of electricity using vinegar or orange juice as fuel.  What other things might they had to revert to? How about a simplistic written language that creates symbols to express words or meanings? Cuneiform, hieroglyphs and Chinese characters fill this need pretty nicely, right? Can you think of a modern day equivalent? :-)  Could we already have the beginnings of this in our society today? IDK. How many Text Message Abbreviations  do you use now? LMK, LOL.

There are many explanations for the mysteries of the Great Pyramid, but I prefer the reality that it was once a machine of some type over the traditional historians account that it was a burial chamber for Cheops...or was his name Khufu? I find that another interesting aspect: why two names? Could it have been two different engineers who oversaw the construction that lasted years? Sounds like a Master and his apprentice to me. The pharaohs like Ramses, Tutankhamen, and countless others where only recognized by one name ... not two. Regardless, Egyptologists continue to overlook, marginalize and discount the very important facts that make the rest of us question the validity of their assertions that it was a burial chamber totally void of relics, paintings, or any carvings of a traditional tomb where actual remains have been found.

Christopher Dunn has some very interesting thoughts on a purpose of the Great Pyramid from an engineering aspect. I believe that Nikola Tesla had simply rediscovered this wireless power technology using Earth's natural power that had been used long ago. Dunn also talks about the evidence of an explosion inside the King's Chamber, which signaled the death of this power plant.  Here is one of his drawings of what type of power generator it could have been:

Lastly, the precision in subsequent pyramids were not of the same quality, also resulting in similar explosions. In my opinion,  the builders of those pyramids were the common but highly skilled workers of the original power plant. They lacked the engineering back ground and perseverance needed to ensure the same level of precision was maintained throughout the building of the replacements. And the result was immediate failure of the new power plants.

In my next post we will discuss some evidence of older power grids and types with more of a focus on sound. Until then, take care!